How to Get There
Find out how to get to Norway's historic Main Street

Discovering Norway is easy. It's just 45 miles north of Portland, 20 miles west of Lewiston and 35 miles east of the New Hampshire border.
From US Route 95 take Exit 63, follow Route 26 West through Oxford and take a left instead off the beaten path onto Routes 117 and 118 to Main Street. From Main Street Norway links to a scenic route to Bethel from Route 118 to Routes 35 and 5.
From the west, Norway is easily reached from Bethel via Route 26 East, and from Bridgton via Route 302 to Route 117.
To use the Google interface:
Scroll in on any point on the map to enlarge it.
To move the map right, left, up and down click and drag your mouse or use the arrow keys on your keyboard.
To zoom in or out, click on the buttons with the plus (+) and minus (-) symbols.
To view in Street View, click and drag the symbol of the person on the bottom right of the map (above the zoom in and out buttons) to where you would like to view.
To view the map in Satellite View, click the Satellite button in the top left corner, next to the Map button.
If things look fuzzy, wait a minute; the map is very detailed and it may take a moment to load all of the information.